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What Your First Cycle Should Consist of

Regardless of whether this is your first cycle or not, oral only cycles should be avoided. Even if you've read that the compound is not very suppressive and/or toxic. Oral only cycle will lead to lethargy and a very poor state of mind. You'll be miserable once the compounds kick in and your results will suffer. This is very common and you'll see many folks say that they feel like terrible and unmotivated on cycle. Next thing, testosterone only for your first cycle. I'm sure you've heard this everywhere. Let me tell you why. As mentioned above, oral only cycles are a poor choice. That said, Testosterone should be your base for all future cycles. But should be the sole compound in your first cycle. This is because you need to find out how your body reacts to testosterone. Once you have a couple of testosterone only cycles under your belt, you can begin to introduce other compounds. That way you'll be able to identify exactly which compound is causing the side effects. Otherwise you'll be lost. Think about eating 2 or 3 exotic foods in one sitting. If you get food poisoning, how will you know which one caused it? You'll never know. So don't rush into things, one step at a time is wise. Choosing your ester is important. If it's your first time, you're likely not a fan of frequent injections. Long esters, such as enanthate allow you to inject twice weekly. Every 3.5 days. But short esters, require more frequent injections, such as daily or every other day. So for this example, we will use a long ester, because that's what I recommend for a beginner... Here is a perfect beginner cycle layout: - Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total) - Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total) - Week 1 to 14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts) After your last testosterone injection, you'll need to wait 14 days to start PCT. This allows just enough time for the enanthate ester to clear your system so that you can start therapy. Remember to continue taking your AI during those 2 weeks. You can also choose to use Aromasin, the recommended dose is 25mg daily. Click here to read jimmyinkedup's thread about Aromasin dosage. As for Letrozole , I would avoid using it because its very difficult to manage. Post Cycle Therapy should consist of both Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ) and Clomiphene (Clomid). The combination is important as they work in synergy to help you recover. Running only one of them will hinder your chance of recovery some. Your PCT protocol for this cycle should look like the following: Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20 Each number above is representative of the daily dose for that week; for a 4 week total PCT run. So clomid would be taken at 75 mg daily for 1 week, then 3 weeks at 50mg daily. And Nolvadex would be 40 mg daily for 1 week, then 20 mg daily for the last 3 weeks. Make sense? If you chose to go with a short ester such as Testosterone Propionate , you'll need to inject at a minimum of every other day. I good starting dose is 100 to 150 every other day, or 50 to 75 daily. Short ester cycle should last 8 weeks. hCG and AI dose remains the same as outlined above. PCT however, starts 3 days after your last injection of testosterone. PCT start times: Testosterone Enanthate = 14 days after last injection Testosterone Cypionate = 18 day after last injection Testosterone Propionate = 3 days after last injection Finally, I recommend that you protect your liver. Yes, even on injectable cycles. For that I recommend 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.

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