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Bodybuilding Benefits

Testo- Cypmax is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testo- Cypmax promotes sex drive, fat loss, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, increases bone density, and may even protect against heart disease.

Testo- Cypmax contains Cypionate Ester which has strong androgenic and anabolic propreties and offers effective muscle gain and strength. Testo- Cypmax assists muscles to retain more nitrogen, aromatizes easily and provides water retention. The drug is considered to be basic for almost all steroids cycles.

1 ml of solution contains:
Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate 1ml/ 250mg

Dosage (Men)
300-2000 mg per week

ONYX Test Cyp 10ml Vial 250mg ($55.00)

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